v7.0 [Sep 28, 2015]
Updated to Visual Studio Isolated Shell 2015.
Integration with Atmel Start.
- This tool will help you select and configure software components, drivers, middleware and
example projects to tailor your embedded application in a usable and optimized manner.
New device support system, CMSIS Pack compliant.
Data Visualizer, used for processing and visualizing data.
Updated help system, improved context sensitive help.
Atmel Software Framework version 3.27.3. ASF is an extensive software library of software stacks
and examples.
A major upgrade of the Visual Assist extension to Atmel Studio that assists with reading, writing,
refactoring, navigating code fast.
Import Arduino Sketch projects into Atmel Studio.
Support for Flip-compatible bootloaders in atprogram and programming dialogue. The connected
device appears as a tool.
AVR8 GCC Toolchain 3.5.0 with upstream versions1:
- gcc 4.9.2
- Binutils 2.25
- avr-libc 1.8.0svn
- gdb 7.8
AVR32 GCC Toolchain 3.4.3 with upstream versions1:
- gcc 4.4.7
- Binutils 2.23.1
- Newlib 1.16.0
ARM GCC Toolchain 4.9.3 with upstream versions1:
- gcc 4.9 (revision 221220)
- Binutils 2.24
- gdb
v6.2 [Mar 3, 2014]
- Atmel introduces the latest Xplained Mini development kit, an easy-to-use development board with extensive examples.
- Studio 6.2 support for the Atmel-ICE probe provides advanced programming and debugs connectivity for Atmel ARM- and AVR-based MCUs, including the ability to capture data trace information.
- Gain insight into the run-time of embedded software with trace visualization. Percepio Trace for Atmel Studio features:
- Control-flow trace (tasks and interrupts)
- Custom data plots
- Application debug output
- Statistical code profiling
- Support for viewing MCU event counters
- Real-time operating system (RTOS) awareness.